About the Blog*Beta

I'm more of the hands on type. The following are my tests and findings in Blogger*Beta and Explorer 7*Beta/RC1. Enjoy.
Last Updated: December 12, 2006

August 17, 2006

Some problems met

Few problems have already been mentioned (yay!) Good news for the migrated bloggers. Saw a lot of issues on the group. Course I didn't add any 'how to' seeing as how I didn't have that issue nor do I/can I fix it. I still can't login to beta, unless my GMail is as well. On the plus side I'll be able to tweak the HTML soon!

As noted in the News, I didn't notice the SpellCheck. I use the Word App because my grammar is so bad :S So, figured why not give it a go. Heh, it doesn't like me much :P Can we add words? Ok, that's enough from me. I have to go hit this feedback up now ^_^

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